


When you picture a peanut, you're probably seeing a Virginia. Their large size and thick shell make them ideal for in-shell roasting; usually, the bigger, the better. Next time you're at the ballpark, enjoy your Virginia peanuts!

We select new varieties adapted for use in both shelled and in-shell markets. We select for a wide range of in-shell sizes as well as excellent adaptation for production in different environments (yield, vigor, maturity, etc.) 

ACI 442

  • This is an early- to mid-maturity, high-oleic Virginia variety with excellent yield potential in the SW U.S. It has a nice, bright hull color, and equal proportion of Jumbo and Fancy pods.


Runner peanuts are the bread and (peanut) butter of the industry... They produce good, consistent yields that make them a favorite for most farmers and butter manufacturers.

Our program focuses on high yield and grade, with an emphasis on early-maturity. We also select for characteristics like a high proportion of medium kernels (+18/64"), multiple pest and pathogen resistance, and good roasted flavor.

IPG 914 *Organic Runner

  • A high-oleic Runner variety with strong yield and grade potential for semi-arid production climates, the IPG 914 is early- to mid-maturing and has a high proportion of Jumbo kernels (+21/64").


If you've eaten a candy bar, chances are, you've eaten a Spanish peanut. Great peanut flavor and kernel appearance make this type a great ingredient for confectionary use.

IPG 3628

  • A high-oleic Spanish variety with early maturity and a plant type that is easy for farmers to grow and harvest, the IPG 3628 has a nice seed size and shape and is well adapted for semi-arid production.


Yes, it is a city in Spain, but it's also a very tasty peanut! A specialty product, Valencias are renowned for their flavor and distinctive, red seed coat. Traditionally, a normal-oleic market type, we've managed to develop some of the first high-oleic Valencias available on the market. 

IPG 1288

  • A next-generation, high-oleic Valencia with excellent yield and grade potential.